Update History
CASPUR Tape Dispatcher

Update History

  • 31/07/2006 version 0.99-1
    • Removed the LIBRARY keyword, corrected documentation;
    • RPMised the distro;
    • Modified API, "connect" now requires tdhostname and port;
    • First public release on

  • 21/06/2006 version 0.98-8
    • Made some changes in the log messages;
    • fixed a problem with config file re-reading on signal;

  • 07/10/2005 version 0.98f (super patch)
    • this is a major release with multiple enhancements and some bug fixes;
    • added support for drives capable to operate with several different types of magnetic media;
    • removed several deadlocks that could occur in case of the damaged media or broken tape drive hardware;
    • added a better return code handling for the mount operation;
    • cleaned up the log format;
    • added a signal-based reconfiguration;
    • added a new "LIBRARY" keyword to improve the handling of multiple libraries;
    • removed some race conditions that could give problems with the "mountscratch" command;

  • 13/07/2002 version 0.97a
    • adjusted dismount operation (tapemounter unload command was uselessly invoked with "-T" flag)

  • 04/06/2002 version 0.97
    • rc.tdisp script added
    • minor changes in the code (clean-up)

  • 18/03/2002 version 0.96
    • sample tapemounter script added

  • 08/02/2002 version 0.95
    • first downloadable version